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Spin Cycle THIS HAS FOUND A NEW HOME WITH THE VERY WONDERFUL GRIMER FAMILY ~ HOPE YOU HAVE FUN WITH IT! not sue how or why but a web site came to my notice ~ fantastic stuff, take a look. The design that rocked my little world was 'the spin cycle' ~ looked a complete laugh and so.......... This is not my design! I took it from the fantastic book "Atomic Zombie's Bicycle Builders Bonanza" ~ Brad Graham and Kathy McGowan. Go and buy the book ~ it's well worth the money and there are lots of plans and ideas it took me about 5 hours to build it !!!!! no pictures of the build ~ buy the book!
Not finished yet but it's basically there! Oh, there will be some........ in the mean time type 'atomic zombie spin cycle' into you tube ~ you'll get the idea! don't know yet ~ got to finish some bits and put a chain on it! If you have to ask why? then you will never understand........... Q. A. Q. A.
Q. A.